Institute for Historical and Uralic Linguistics


András Cser, DSc
Phone: +36 (1) 342-9372/6087

Research at the Institute encompasses several aspects of the history of the Hungarian language. This includes the history of the language in the narrow sense; the systematic study of other Uralic languages; various forms of language contact and areal features; the study of the dialects of Hungarian; the systematic study of Latin, a language that had a great impact on the development of Hungarian. The Research Groups of the Institute work on the following projects: the historical phonology of Hungarian; the historical and comparative syntax of Hungarian and the other Uralic languages; variety in Middle Hungarian as a function of register; contact-related aspects of the structure and history of the Uralic languages; Uralic ethnolinguistics; the acoustic analysis of vowels in Hungarian dialects; temporal (diachronic) and spatial (dialectological) analysis of changes in the Late Latin period. Several of the Research Groups are also involved in the construction of linguistic databases.

Institute events

Subjective and objective conjugation in Northern Khanty: a lexically conditioned choice?
2024. Márc. 27. 14:00
Nikita Muravyev

Subjective and objective conjugation in Northern Khanty: a lexically conditioned choice?

Uralic talk series
A Schmidt Éva Könyvtár 6. kötetének bemutatója
2024. Febr. 29. 15:00
MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza, földszinti tanácsterem (1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.)

A Schmidt Éva Könyvtár 6. kötetének bemutatója

The curious case of the two-headed phrase: co-compounds in Hungarian and Khanty
2024. Jan. 31. 14:00
Halm TamásLena Borise

The curious case of the two-headed phrase: co-compounds in Hungarian and Khanty

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