Theoretical Linguistics PhD
For students
2024 autumn
Nyelvészdoktoranduszok 28. Országos Konferenciájára (LingDokKonf 28.)
Szervező: A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Nyelvtudományi Doktori Iskolája
Időpont: 2024. november 28-29.
Helyszín: SZTE BTK Konferenciaterme (6722, Szeged, Egyetem u. 2. fszt.)
MA és PhD hallgatók jelentkezését várják
Az összefoglaló beérkezési határideje: 2024. szeptember 30.
További infók ezen a linken olvashatók
ELTE BTK – HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics
1068 Budapest, Benczúr 33 Benczúr St, Budapest, H-1068
Phone: (36-1) 342-9372/6016
Zoltán Bánréti
chair of the Theoretocal Linguistics PhD Programme
Kinga Gárdai
senior academic administrator
tneqnv.xvatn@alghq.uha-era.uh vagy tneqnv.xvatn@ogx.rygr.uh
Theoretical Linguistics PhD•About
The Ph.D. programme in Theoretical Linguistics is part of the ELTE Doctoral School of Linguistics. The doctoral candidate is expected to work within a theoretical framework that allows the exploration of the principles and rules that determine the nature of a language, or of natural language in general. The traditional main branches of theoretical linguistics, including phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics form the core of the training, but the doctoral candidate may also work on the relationship between linguistics and another discipline (e.g. philosophy, literature, mathematics, logic, phonetics, cognitive psychology, sociology, computer science).
Application requirements
For the admission to the Ph.D. programme, applicants are required to have an MA degree in any subject, not necessarily in linguistics, in addition to a basic working knowledge of linguistics. They also need to demonstrate the ability to carry out independent research.
Proficiency in English is required, and knowledge of a second foreign language is also recommended. The application must include a professionally justifiable research proposal.
In all other respects, the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Humanities at ELTE are applicable.
Theoretical Linguistics PhD•Available courses
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