Katalin MÁDY
research group leader, senior research fellow
Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics
Research areas: prosody of Hungarian, prosodic typology, stess and intonation structure in Tundra Nenets, prosodic manifestation of pragmatic contents, prosody and emotions in infant-directed speech, detection and classification in speech corpora. Laboratory phonology, sociophonetics, sound change.
Katalin MÁDY•Publications
Katalin MÁDY
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135 results
135 results
Dobsinszki Gergely, Kádár Máté Soma, Fegyó Tibor, Mády Katalin, Mihajlik Péter. 2025. Magyar nyelvű beszédleiratozó tanítása sok (tíz)ezer óra beszéddel. In: Berend Gábor, Gosztolya Gábor, Vincze Veronika (szerk.) XXI. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia. online kiadás: Szegedi Tudományegyetem TTIK, Informatikai Intézet. 87–96.
Juhász, Kornélia, Katalin Mády, and Huba Bartos. 2024. The production of Mandarin neutral tone sequences by Hungarian learners. In: Chen Y., Chen A., Arvaniti A. (szerk.) Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2024. Leiden: ISCA-INT SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOC. 547–551. https://doi.org/10.21437/SpeechProsody.2024-111.
Kohári, Anna, Katalin Mády, Uwe D. Reichel, Veronika Harmati-Pap, Bence Kas, and Sarolta Murányi. 2024. Acoustic characteristics of narrative elements in infant-directed speech. In: Fougeron Cécile, Perrier Pascal (szerk.) 13th International Seminar of Speech Production: Book of Abstracts. Autrans: 13th International Seminar of Speech Production. 319–321.
Mihajlik, Peter, Katalin Mády, Anna Kohári, Fruzsina Sára Vargha, Gábor Kiss, Tekla Etelka Gráczi, and A. Seza Doğruöz. 2024. Is Spoken Hungarian Low-resource?: A Quantitative Survey of Hungarian Speech Data Sets. In: Calzolari Nicoletta, Kan Min-Yen, Hoste Veronique, Lenci Alessandro, Sakti Sakriani, Xue Nianwen (szerk.) Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024): Main Conference Proceedings. Online kiadás: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). 9382–9388.
Mihajlik, Peter, Yan Meng, Mate S Kadar, Julian Linke, Barbara Schuppler, and Katalin Mády. 2024. On Disfluency and Non-lexical Sound Labeling for End-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition. In: Itshak Lapidot, Sharon Gannot (szerk.) 25th Interspeech Conference (Interspeech 2024). Dublin: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 1270–1274. https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2024-2157.
D. Reichel, Uwe, Anna Kohári, and Katalin Mády. 2023. Acoustics and prediction of non-lexical speech in the Budapest Games Corpus. In: Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Horváth Viktória, Juhász Kornélia, Kohári Anna, Krepsz Valéria, Mády Katalin (szerk.) Speech Research conference: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Budapest, 23-24. February 2023. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 91–93.
Gráczi, Tekla Etelka, Viktória Horváth, Kornélia Juhász, Anna Kohári, Valéria Krepsz, and Katalin Mády (eds.). 2023. Speech Research conference: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Budapest, 23-24. February 2023. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18135/BeszKutKonf.2023.
Kádár Máté Soma, Dobsinszki Gergely, Mády Katalin, Mihajlik Péter. 2023. „Feeding the BEAST” – A BEA Speech Transcriber továbbfejlesztése és integrálása neurális nyelvmodellel. In: Berend Gábor, Gosztolya Gábor, Vincze Veronika (szerk.) XIX. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia, MSZNY-2023. Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem TTIK, Informatikai Intézet. 135–145.
Kohári Anna, Uwe D. Reichel, Szalontai Ádám, Mády Katalin. 2023. A frázishatár zöngeminőségének vizsgálata felnőttekhez és gyerekekhez szóló beszédben. In: Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Horváth Viktória, Juhász Kornélia, Kohári Anna, Krepsz Valéria, Mády Katalin (szerk.) Speech Research conference: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Budapest, 23-24. February 2023. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 69–71.
Kovács, Petra, Brigitta Tóth, Ferenc Honbolygó, Orsolya Szalárdy, Anna Kohári, Katalin Mády, Lilla Magyari, and István Winkler. 2023. Speech prosody supports speaker selection and auditory stream segregation in a multi-talker situation. BRAIN RESEARCH 1805 Paper: 148246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2023.148246.
Mády, Katalin, Anna Kohári, Cecília Sarolta Molnár, Ádám Szalontai, and Uwe D. Reichel. 2023. Prosodic cues of distinguishing neutral and non-neutral yes/no questions in Hungarian: the acoustics of surprise. In: Skarnitzl Radek, Volín Jan (szerk.) Proceedings of 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS). Praha: Guarant. 1608–1612. Paper: 909.
Mády, Katalin, Anna Kohári, Uwe D. Reichel, Ádam Szalontai, and Péter Mihajlik. 2023. The Budapest Games Corpus. In: Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Horváth Viktória, Juhász Kornélia, Kohári Anna, Krepsz Valéria, Mády Katalin (szerk.) Speech Research conference: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Budapest, 23-24. February 2023. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 75–77.
Mády, Katalin. 2023. Does a more complex phoneme system bias phonological decisions? – dialectal variation in Hungarian vowel harmony. In: Gráczi Tekla Etelka (szerk.) SpeakVar Workshop: A workshop on intraspeaker and interspeaker variability: Book of abstracts. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 49–51.
Mihajlik, Péter, Máté Soma Kádár, Gergely Dobsinszki, Yan Meng, Meng Kedalai, Julian Linke, Tibor Fegyó, and Katalin Mády. 2023. What Kind of Multi- or Cross-lingual Pre-training is the most Effective for a Spontaneous, Less-resourced ASR Task?. In: 2nd Annual Meeting of the ELRA/ISCA SIG on Under-resourced Languages (SIGUL 2023). 58–62. https://doi.org/10.21437/SIGUL.2023-13.
Molnár, Cecília Sarolta, Katalin Mády, Péter Mihajlik, and Beáta Gyuris. 2023. The Akaka Maptask Corpus. In: Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Horváth Viktória, Juhász Kornélia, Kohári Anna, Krepsz Valéria, Mády Katalin (szerk.) Speech Research conference: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Budapest, 23-24. February 2023. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 81–83.
Mus, Nikolett, and Katalin Mády. 2023. The role and functional motivation of High target tones in Tundra Nenets. In: Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Horváth Viktória, Juhász Kornélia, Kohári Anna, Krepsz Valéria, Mády Katalin (szerk.) Speech Research conference: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Budapest, 23-24. February 2023. Budapest: Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 84–86.
P. Háden, Gábor, Brigitta Tóth, Ildikó Tóth, Dénes Tóth, Anna Kohári, Bence Kas, Katalin Mády, and István Winkler. 2023. Neuro-cognitive predictors of early language development. In: BCCCD Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development - 2023 Program and Abstracts. Central European University. 198. Paper: Poster PC-016.
Kohári Anna, Deme Andrea, Reichel Uwe D., Szalontai Ádám, Mády Katalin. 2022. Tartalmas és funkciószavak időtartama csecsemőkhöz szóló beszédben. In: Navracsics Judit, Bátyi Szilvia (szerk.) Nyelvek, nyelvváltozatok, következmények I.: Nyelvoktatás, nyelvelsajátítás, nyelvhasználat, fonetika és fonológia. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 1.
Mády Katalin, Kohári Anna, Szalontai Ádám, Uwe D. Reichel. 2022. Észlelt érzelemkifejezés a dajkanyelvben: Longitudinális változások és az anyai paritás hatása. In: Mády Katalin, Markó Alexandra (szerk.) Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok 34.: Fonetikai tanulmányok. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 221–246.
Mády, Katalin, Beáta Gyuris, Hans-Martin Gärtner, Anna Kohári, Ádám Szalontai, and Uwe D. Reichel. 2022. Perceived emotions in infant-directed narrative across time and speech acts. In: Frota Sónia, Cruz Marisa, Vigário Marina (szerk.) Proceedings 11th International Conference on Speech Prosody. Baixas: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 590–594. https://doi.org/10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-120.
Mihajlik Péter, Balog András, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Kohári Anna, Fegyó Tibor, Mády Katalin. 2022. „Releasing the BEAST” – A BEA gépi beszédleiratozási feladat, megközelítések és eredmények. In: Berend Gábor, Gosztolya Gábor, Vincze Veronika (szerk.) XVIII. Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia : MSZNY 2022. Szeged: Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Informatikai Intézet. 199–210.
Mihajlik Péter, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Kohári Anna, Tarján Balázs, Balog András, Mády Katalin. 2022. A BEA továbbfejlesztése és alkalmazása kontrasztív gépi beszédfelismerési kísérletekre. In: Mády Katalin, Markó Alexandra (szerk.) Általános nyelvészeti tanulmányok 34.: Fonetikai tanulmányok. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 361–380.
Mihajlik, Péter, András Balog, Tekla Etelka Gráczi, Anna Kohári, Balázs Tarján, and Katalin Mády. 2022. BEA-Base: A Benchmark for ASR of Spontaneous Hungarian. In: Nicoletta Calzolari, Frédéric Béchet, Philippe Blache, Khalid Choukri, Chritopher Cieri, Thierry Declerk, Sara Goggi (szerk.)et al. LREC 2022, Thirteeth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation: Conference proceedings. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). 1970–1977.
Huszár, Anna, Valéria Krepsz, and Katalin Mády. 2021. The relationship between boundary markers and audible inhalation in Hungarian read speech. In: 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. 106–107.
Kohári Anna, Deme Andrea, Reichel Uwe D., Szalontai Ádám, Mády Katalin. 2021. Tartalmas és funkciószavak időtartama csecsemőkhöz szóló beszédben. In: Bátyi Szilvia, Vígh-Szabó Melinda (szerk.) XXVIII. MAGYAR ALKALMAZOTT NYELVESZETI KONGRESSZUS: Nyelvek, nyelvváltozatok, következmények (absztraktfüzet). Veszprém: Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészek és Nyelvtanárok Egyesülete (MANYE); Pannon Egyetem Modern Filológiai és Társadalomtudományi Kar. 37.
Mády, Katalin, Uwe D. Reichel, Anna Kohári, and Ádám Szalontai. 2021. The role of accommodation in expressing emotions to newborn babies. In: 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. 124–125.
Gocsál, Ákos, Mária Gósy, Tekla Etelka Gráczi, Dorottya Gyarmathy, Viktória Horváth, Anna Huszár, Anna Kohári, Valéria Krepsz, and Katalin Mády (eds.). 2020. Speech Research Conference. Hungarian Research Institute for Linguistics. Budapest, 14-15th December 2020 = Beszédkutatás konferencia. Nyelvtudományi Intézet. Budapest, 2020. december 14-15.. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet. https://doi.org/10.18135/BeszKutKonf.2020.
Karpiński, Maciej, Bistra Andreeva, Eva Liina Asu, Anna Daugavet, Štefan Beňuš, and Katalin Mády. 2020. Central and Eastern Europe. In: Gussenhoven Carlos, Chen Aoju (szerk.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 225–235. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198832232.013.14.
Mády, Katalin, Uwe D. Reichel, Anna Kohári, Andrea Deme, and Ádám Szalontai. 2020. Primary functions in infant-directed speech and their longitudinal development: Preliminary study on Hungarian. In: Gocsál Ákos, Gósy Mária, Gráczi Tekla Etelka, Gyarmathy Dorottya, Horváth Viktória, Huszár Anna, Kohári Anna, Krepsz Valéria, Mády Katalin (szerk.) Speech Research Conference. Hungarian Research Institute for Linguistics. Budapest, 14-15th December 2020 = Beszédkutatás konferencia. Nyelvtudományi Intézet. Budapest, 2020. december 14-15.. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet. 61–63.
Mády, Katalin, and Uwe D. Reichel. 2019. Analogy by frequency and functional load: possible reasons for the vowel length neutralisation process in Hungarian?. In: Gyuris Beáta, Mády Katalin, Recski Gábor (szerk.) K + K = 120: Papers dedicated to László Kálmán and András Kornai on the occasion of their 60th birthdays. Budapest: Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RIL HAS). 369–384.
White, Laurence, Silvia Benavides-Varela, Katalin Mády, and Sven Mattys. 2019. The primary importance of onsets: Timing and prediction in speech segmentation. In: 3rd Phonetics and Phonology in Europe PaPE. 75–76.
Mady, Katalin, Uwe D Reichel, Adam Szalontai, Anna Kohari, and Andrea Deme. 2018. Prosodic characteristics of infant-directed speech as a function of maternal parity. In: Klessa Katarzyna, Bachan Jolanta, Wagner Agnieszka, Karpiński Maciej, Śledziński Daniel (szerk.) 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2018. Dublin: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 294–298. https://doi.org/10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018.
Reichel, Uwe, Katalin Mády, and Stefan Benus. 2018. Acoustic profiles for prosodic headedness and constituency. In: Klessa Katarzyna, Bachan Jolanta, Wagner Agnieszka, Karpiński Maciej, Śledziński Daniel (szerk.) 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody, 2018. Dublin: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 699–703. https://doi.org/10.21437/SpeechProsody.2018-142.
Mády, Katalin, and Uwe D Reichel. 2017. Analogy by frequency: a possible reason for the vowel length neutralisation process?. In: Beáta Gyuris, Katalin Mády, Gábor Recski (szerk.) K + K = 120. Papers dedicated to László Kálmán and András Kornai on the occasion of their 60th birthdays. Budapest: Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (RIL HAS). 1–12.
Mády, Katalin, and Zsuzsanna Bárkányi. 2015. Voicing assimilation at accentual phrase boundaries in Hungarian. In: Michaux M, Caspers J, Heuven V J J P van, Hiligsmann Ph (szerk.) Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow: Department of Management, University of Glasgow. Paper: ICPHS0796.
Mády, Katalin. 2015. Prosodic (non-)realisation of broad, narrow and contrastive focus in Hungarian: a production and a perception study. In: Sebastian Möller, Hermann Ney, Bernd Möbius, Elmar Nöth, Stefan Steidl (szerk.) 16TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2015), VOLS 1-5: Speech Beyond Speech Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal. Baixas: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 948–952.
Reichel, Uwe D., Katalin Mády, and Štefan Beňuš. 2015. Parameterization of prosodic headedness. In: Sebastian Möller, Hermann Ney, Bernd Möbius, Elmar Nöth, Stefan Steidl (szerk.) 16TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPEECH COMMUNICATION ASSOCIATION (INTERSPEECH 2015), VOLS 1-5: Speech Beyond Speech Towards a Better Understanding of the Most Important Biosignal. Baixas: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 929–933.
Beňuš, Štefan, Uwe D Reichel, and Katalin Mády. 2014. Modeling accentual phrase intonation in Slovak and Hungarian. In: Ludmila Veselovská, Markéta Janebová (szerk.) Complex Visibles Out There: Proceedings of the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium 2014: Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc; Palacky University Press. 677–689.
Mády, Katalin, and Ádám Szalontai. 2014. Where do questions begin?: Phrase-initial boundary tones in Hungarian polar questions. In: Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, Daniel Hirst (szerk.) 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, SP 2014. Dublin: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 568–572.
Reichel, Uwe D., Alexandra Markó, and Katalin Mády. 2014. Parameterization and automatic labeling of Hungarian intonation. In: Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, Daniel Hirst (szerk.) 7th International Conference on Speech Prosody, SP 2014. Dublin: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 738–742.
Reichel, Uwe D., and Katalin Mády. 2014. Comparing parameterizations of pitch register and its discontinuities at prosodic boundaries for Hungarian. In: Haizhou Li (szerk.) 15th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2014): Celebrating the Diversity of Spoken Languages. Red Hook (NY): Curran Associates. 5.
Reichel, Uwe, Alexandra Markó, and Katalin Mády. 2014. Parameterization and automatic labeling of Hungarian intonation. In: Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, Daniel Hirst (szerk.) Social and Linguistic Speech Prosody: Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody. Dublin: Science Foundation Ireland. 738–742.
Mády K. 2013. A nyelvi attitűd jelentősége a hangváltozási folyamatok vizsgálatában. ÉDES ANYANYELVÜNK 35, 5: 17.
Mády, K, and B Gyuris. 2012. Low phrase-initial boundary tone in Hungarian exclamatives. In: Cole Jennifer, Schattuck-Hufnagel Stefanie (szerk.) Advancing Prosodic Transcription for Spoken Language Science and Technology. 1–2.
Mády, K. 2012. Deaccentuation in Hungarian and its logical background. In: 6th Speech Prosody Conference. 1–4.
Mády, K. 2012. Implicit and explicit language attitude in a sound change process. In: 2nd Workshop on Sound Change. 87.
Bárkányi, Zs, and K Mády. 2011. Voicing contrast in Hungarian fricatives. In: Proceedings of the 19th Manchester Phonology Meeting. Paper: 5.
Mády, K. 2011. Does low informational weight require deaccentuation in Hungarian?. In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis. 2.
Beňuš, Š, and K Mády. 2010. Effects of lexical stress and speech rate on the quantity and quality of Slovak vowels. In: 5th Speech Prosody. Paper: 100185.
Dubeda, T, and K Mády. 2010. Nucleus position within the intonation phrase: a typological study of English, Czech and Hungarian. In: 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association 2010 (INTERSPEECH 2010), VOLS 1-4. Red Hook (NY): International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). 126–129.
Mády, Katalin. 2010. Shortening of long high vowels in Hungarian: a perceptual loss?. In: Sociophonetics at the crossroads of speech variation, processing and communication. 41–44.
Maitz, Péter, and Katalin Mády. 2010. /t/ deletion in German braucht: auxiliarization process or phonetic necessity?. In: Experimental Approaches to the Perception and Production of Language Variation. 39–39.
Draxler, C, and K Mády. 2009. Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany. PHONETICIAN 99-100: 69–76.
Draxler, C, and K Mády. 2009. Munich speech processing tools. PHONETICIAN 99-100: 91–96.
Mády, K, L White, and T Dubeda. 2009. Vowel quantity distinction and temporal cues of accentuation: a comparative study of Czech and Hungarian. In: 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia Conference. Paper: 78.
White, L, and K Mády. 2008. The long and the short and the final: phonological vowel length and prosodic timing in Hungarian. In: 4th Speech Prosody Conference. 363–366.
White, Laurence, and Katalin Mády. 2008. Heads you lose: prosodic structure and timing in Hungarian. LABORATORY PHONOLOGY 11: 159–160.
Mády, K. 2007. Quantity and quality in Hungarian vowel perception. In: 3rd Conference on Phonetics and Phonology in Iberia. 103–104.
Mády, K, K Tronka, and UD Reichel. 2006. Syllable cut and energy contour: a contrastive study of German and Hungarian. In: 3rd International Conference on Speech Prosody. 831–834.
Tronka, K, K Mády, and UD Reichel. 2006. A contrastive study of syllable cut in German and Hungarian: vowel length and energy. In: 3rd Old World Phonology Conference. 57–58.
Geng, C, K Mády, C Bogliotti, S Messaoud-Galusi, V Medina, and W Serniclaes. 2005. Do palatal consonants correspond to the fourth category in the perceptual F2-F3 space?. In: ISCA Workshop on Plasticity in Speech Perception. 219–222.
Mády, K, K Tronka, and UD Reichel. 2005. Syllable cut and energy contour in vowels: a comparative study on German and Hungarian. ZAS PAPERS IN LINGUISTICS 42: 197–217.
Mády, K. 2004. Akustische, artikulatorische und perzeptive Parameter in der Konsonantenproduktion nach Zungenteilresektion. PhD diss.
Mády, Katalin, and Ambros Beer. 2004. A real-time MRI evaluation of consonant production after oral tumour surgery.. GRAZER LINGUISTISCHE STUDIEN 62: 77–94.
Foidl, P, and K Mády. 2003. Experimentelle Überprüfung der psycholinguistischen Relevanz von Konstituenten. JAHRBUCH DER UNGARISCHEN GERMANISTIK 2003: 157–180.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Beer, P Hoole, A Zimmermann, and C Hannig. 2003. Consonant articulation in glossectomee speech evaluated by dynamic MRI. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 3233–3236.
Mády, K, and A Beer. 2002. Untersuchung von Sprechleistung und Schluckvermögen vor und nach einer Zungenlösung bei Patienten mit Mundhöhlenkarzinomen. FORSCHUNGSBERICHTE INSTITUT FŰR PHONETIK UND SPRACHLICHE KOMMUNIKATION DER UNIVERSITäT MŰNCHEN 39: 11–16.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Zimmermann, P Hoole, A Beer, HF Zeilhofer, and C Hannig. 2002. Assessment of consonant articulation in glossectomee speech by dynamic MRI. In: Hansen John HL, Pellom Bryan (szerk.) 7th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, INTERSPEECH 2002: Conference proceedings ICSLP 2002. 961–964.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Zimmermann, P Hoole, A Beer, HF Zeilhofer, and C Hannig. 2002. Rolle der Sprechleistung für die Lebensqualität von Patienten mit Mundhöhlenkarzinomen. In: 31. dbl-Kongress. 38–39.
Mády, K, R Sader, A Zimmermann, P Hoole, A Beer, HF Zeilhofer, and C Hannig. 2001. Use of real-time MRI in assessment of consonant articulation before and after tongue surgery and tongue reconstruction. In: Proc. 4th International Speech Motor Conference. 142–145.
Katalin MÁDY•CV
Katalin MÁDY