Veszélyeztetett uráli nyelvek szintaxis-elméleti és magyar nyelvtörténeti tanulságai



Borise, Lena – Ekaterina Georgieva: The role of Lowering and non-cyclic heads in Udmurt stress placement. 53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, January 2023, Göttingen


Asztalos, Erika. 2022. Nem Szibériába mentem = Szibériába nem mentem? A konstituensszinten értelmezett tagadás az udmurt nyelvben. A Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe: Fókuszban az uráli nyelvek és kultúrák, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Finnugor Tanszék, 2022. november 17.

Asztalos, Erika. 2022. Focus positions and the distribution of interrogative phrases in Udmurt. Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum, Bécs, Bécsi Egyetem, 2022. augusztus 25.

Asztalos, Erika. 2022. Transparent scope expression in Udmurt focus negation as a concomitant of the OV-to-VO change. International Conference on Historical Linguistics 25, Oxford, Oxfordi Egyetem, 2022. augusztus 2.

Asztalos, Erika. 2022.  Diagnosing unaccusatives in Udmurt. Syntax of Uralic Languages 4, Budapest, Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont/online, 2022. június 16.

Asztalos, Erika. 2022. Отрицание конституентов в удмртском языке. II. «Актуальные проблемы удмуртоведения в контексте компаративистики, контактологии и типологии языков и литератур», посвященной 80-летию доктора филологических наук, профессора Валея Кельмаковича Кельмакова, Izsevszk, Udmurt Állami Egyetem/online, 2022. február 11.

Asztalos, Erika, Lena Borise, Katalin Gugán, Nikolett Mus, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi. 2022. Towards more flexible verb-finality via a reanalysis of prosodic structure. Workshop ‘Change in syntax and phonology: the same or different?’; University of Edinburgh. 2022. december 5-7.

Asztalos, Erika, Lena Borise, Katalin Gugán, Nikolett Mus, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi. 2022. From rigid to flexible verb-finality: A prosodically motivated information-structural account of word order change. International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL) 25; University of Oxford. 2022. augusztus 1-5.

Asztalos, Erika, Lena Borise, Katalin Gugán, Nikolett Mus, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi. 2022. From rigid to flexible verb-finality: A prosodically motivated information-structural account of word order change. Syntax of Uralic Languages (SOUL) 4; Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 2022. június 14-16.

Bende-Farkas Ágnes 2022. Universal Quantifiers and Free Choice in (Some) Uralic Languages. Syntax of Uralic Languages (SOUL) 4. NyKK Budapest – Szentpétervár.

Borise, Lena & Ekaterina Georgieva. 2022 Acoustic correlates of initial and final stress in Udmurt. Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE) 55; University of Bucharest. 2022. augusztus 24-27.

Borise, Lena & Ekaterina Georgieva. 2022. Towards a DM account of verbal morphophonology in Udmurt. Syntax of Uralic Languages (SOUL) 4; Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 2022. június 14-16.

Borise, Lena, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi. 2022. A unified account of preverbal foci in the languages of the Caucasus and beyond. Theoretical Linguistics and Languages of the Caucasus (TLLC) 1; Istanbul Bilgi University. 2022. június 18-19.

Borise, Lena, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi. 2022. Preverbal foci are syntactically disparate but prosodically uniform Prominence in Language 3; University of Cologne. 2022. június 1-3.

Borise, Lena & David Erschler. 2022 Mora count and the alignment of rising pitch accents in Iron Ossetic Speech Prosody 2022; University of Lisbon. 2022. május 23-26.

Borise, Lena, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi. 2022. Raised and in-situ preverbal foci: a unified prosodic account. Invited talk at the General Linguistics Colloquium, University of Göttingen. 2022. május 4.

Borise, Lena, Andreas Schmidt & Balázs Surányi. 2022. Raised and in-situ preverbal foci: a unified prosodic account. Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) 45; Queen Mary University of London. 2022. április 27-29

Burukina, Irina. November 2022. When embedded C projects an argument: Infinitival clauses in Meadow Mari. Invited talk as a guest lecturer at the Department of Linguistics, University of Toronto.

Burukina, Irina. July 2022. On the syntax of the control verbs help and hinder in Russian: Ditransitives with a silent Theme. Invited talk at the Slavic Linguistics Colloquium, Humboldt University of Berlin.

Burukina, Irina. June 2022. Agreement patterns with non-verbal predicates in Kaqchikel. Invited talk at the Workshop on copular sentences: Predication, Specification, Equation, Université de Nantes.

Burukina, Irina. May 2022. When dative subjects and agreement in infinitival clauses depend on an external adposition. Invited talk at the Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna.

Burukina, Irina. January 2022. Dative postpositions and agreement in Mari: What can infinitives tell us? Invited talk at the Uralic Information Centre, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, ELKH.

Burukina, Irina. Referential DPs and reflexive pronouns: a case study of Hill Mari. Symposia Uralic nominal structures: noun phrases and nominal sentences, CIFU XIII (rescheduled from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic). Vienna. August 21–26.

Burukina, Irina. Periphrastic perfect as result nominal predication. International Congress on Syntax. Porto, Portugal. July 13–15.

Burukina, Irina. Comitative conjunction, Person, and pro. The 31st Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL31). McMaster University/online. June 24–26.

Burukina, Irina. Postpositions, Case, and agreement in Mari. Syntax of Uralic Languages 4 (SOUL-4). online. June 14–16.

Burukina, Irina. Deverbal results nominals to create periphrastic perfect. The 40th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL40). Stanford University/online. May 13–15.

Burukina, Irina. Nominal predication in periphrastic perfect. The 47th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Catania, Italy. February 24—26.

Dékány, Éva: Numerals and classifiers in Ch’ol, Constituency in classifier expressions. 6. Összenyelvész konferencia, ELTE, Budapest. 2022. december 16–17.

Dikken, Marcel den – Éva Dékány: Predication in the syntax of collectives with numerals. Nihon University Colloquium, Nihon University, Tokyo. 2022. november 22.

Dékány, Éva: The syntax of numeral modification in Southern Hokkaido Ainu. Kobe University Colloquium, Kobe University, Kobe. 2022. november 20.

Dikken, Marcel den – Éva Dékány: On collectives with numerals. Nominal determination: form, function, and else, Universidade de Alagoas, Marceió (Brazília). 2022. november 2–4.

Dékány, Éva: The syntax of odd decimals in Southern Hokkaido Ainu. Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics 16, University of Rochester, Online. 2022. szeptember 30–október 2.

Dékány, Éva – Marcel den Dikken: Partitives in Estonian. PARTE. Methods for approaching variation in partitives and beyond, Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Budapest. 2022. szeptember 15–17.

Dékány, Éva: Osztályozók a főnévi csoportban: összetevős szerkezet. ELTE Intézményi ÚNKP konferencia, ELTE, Budapest/online. 2022. augusztus 31.

Dékány, Éva: Autoclassifiers: a post-syntactic reduplication account. GLOW in Asia XIII, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong/online. 2022. augusztus 4–7.

Dékány, Éva: Autoclassifiers: a post-syntactic reduplication account. International Congress on Syntax: In honour of Professor Ana Maria Brito, University of Porto, Porto. 2022. július 13–15.

Dékány, Éva: Partitive case in Estonian: implications for the case hierarchy. Syntax of Uralic Languages 4, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest/online. 2022. június 15–16.

Dékány, Éva: The syntax of echo classifiers. 31st Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, University of Hawaii, Online. 2022. május 18–20.

Dékány, Éva: Complex numerals in Hokkaido Ainu. Linguistics and Asian Languages 2022, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan/Online. 2022. március 24–25.

Egedi, Barbara: „ezt ez tudomáńt háborgattam mind halálig” – Középmagyar szerkezetek mutató névmási módosítóval. Nyelvelmélet és Diakrónia 5. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, 2022. november 16-17.

É. Kiss Katalin. The emergence of finits subordination in the Ugric languages. Syntax of Uralic Languages (SOUL) 4.  Szentpétervár/Budapest online. 2022. június 14-16.

É. Kiss Katalin. From relative proadverb to complementizer: The evolution of the Hungarian hogy ‘that’. Diachronic Generative Syntax (DIGS) 23. New York/online. 2022. június 8-10.

É. Kiss Katalin. The consequences of the OV-to-VO change on different levels of clause structure. International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL) 25. Oxford, 2022. augusztus 1-5.

É. Kiss Katalin. Why non-finite subordination prevails in the SOV Uralic languages. Congressus XIII Internationalis Fenno-Ugristarum (CIFU) XIII. Bécsi Egyetem, 2022. augusztus 21-26.

É. Kiss Katalin. From parataxis to hypotaxis: Evidence from the Ugric languages. Uralic Information Centre talk series. 2022. október 26.

É. Kiss Katalin. Nyelvelméleti szempontok a moldvai magyar igeidőrendszer leírásában Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 5. PPKE: 2022. november 16-17.

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Emerging Ds, possessives and partitives: evidence from Meadow Mari.

47th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, February 2022, Catania

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Fake possessives, partitives and definites sharing the same D (poster)45th Generative Linguistics in the Old World, April 2022, London.

Georgieva, Ekaterina: On coordinate converbs. Adverbial clauses between subordination and coordination, May 2022, Cologne

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Nominal ellipsis and number mismatches in Meadow Mari. 4th Syntax of Uralic languages, June 2022, Budapest [online]

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Wh-expressions and sluicing in Mari- 13th International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies, Symposium “Interrogativity in the Uralic languages”, August 2022, Vienna.

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Sluicing in Mari. Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, September 2022, Budapest.

Halm, Tamás. Az akár- és bár- paradigmák diakrón szemantikája. Nyelvelmélet és Diakrónia 5, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest, November 2022.

Halm, Tamás. Vegans, Teetotalers and the Decoupling of Case and Agreement in Old Hungarian. International Conference on Historical Linguistics 25, University of Oxford, August 2022.

Halm, Tamás. Vegans, Teetotalers, and the Decoupling of Case and Agreement in Old Hungarian. Diachronic Generative Syntax (DiGS) 23, New York University. June 2022.

Halm, Tamás. Vegans, Teetotalers and the Decoupling of Case and Agreement in Old Hungarian. Syntax of Uralic Languages 4, Institute for Linguistics Studies (RAS) & Research Institute for Linguistics (HAS), June 2022.

Halm, Tamás. If you can see it you can’t help seeing it: The inherent modality of verbs of involuntary perception, (re)cognition and physical disposition in HungarianThe Annual International Conference of the English Department (AICED 23), University of Bucharest, June 2022.

Katalin Gugán – Veronika Hegedűs. Word order change and the position of verb modifiers in Hungarian. Poster presentation at: International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2022 (ICHL25). Oxford University, Oxford, August 2022.

Szabó Ditta. Evidenciális oppozíció a permi nyelvekben. Újabb megközelítések uráli nyelvek és kultúrák megismeréséhez Konferencia. Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest. 2022. november 17.

Szabó Ditta. Evidentiality in the Permic languages from a typological and historical point of view. University of Vienna, Austria. 2022. augusztus 22-26.

Szabó Ditta. On the evidential function of the synthetic and analytic past tenses in Udmurt. Evidentiality in Language and Discourse Conference. University of Galați, Romania. 2022. július 1.


Asztalos, Erika. 2021. Nem Szibériába mentem = Szibériába nem mentem? A konstituenstagadás módjai az udmurt nyelvben. Nyelvelmélet és kontaktológia 5, Budapest, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem/online, 2021. november 17.

Asztalos, Erika. 2021. Multiple postverbal constituents in a non-rigid SOV language: the case of Udmurt (lightning talk). Workshop on the Structure of Uralic Languages, Pécs, Pécsi Tudományegyetem, 2021. augusztus 27.   

Asztalos, Erika. 2021. Množestvennye postglagol’nye sostavljajushchie v udmurtskom jazyke. II Международный симпозиум «Проблемы лингвистической типологии и культурологии», Izsevszk, Udmurt Állami Egyetem, 2021. május 28.

Asztalos, Erika. 2021. When possessive suffixes are missing: non-agreeing possessees in Udmurt predicative possessive constructions. Indigenous languages of Russia in contact with Russian, Moszkva, Vinogradov Institute for Russian Language (RAS), 2021. február 13.

Bende-Farkas Ágnes 2021. A kvantor-ciklus ‘beindítása’ az udmurtban – orosz hatásra. Nyelvelmélet és Kontaktológia 5. PPKE.

Bende-Farkas Ágnes 2021. Universal Quantifiers and Free Choice in (Some) uralic Languages. WSUL 1 Pécs.

Borise, Lena & Ekaterina Georgieva. 2021. The intonational realization of stress in Udmurt. Tone and Intonation (TAI); University of Southern Denmark. 2021. december 6-9.

Borise, Lena & David Erschler. 2021. φ-formation, stress, and the alignment of rising pitch accents in Iron Ossetic. Tone and Intonation (TAI); University of Southern Denmark. 2021. december 6-9.

Borise, Lena & Katalin É. Kiss. 2021. Phrasal coordination is dependent on overt conjunctions: evidence from Khanty. SinFonIJA 14; University of Novi Sad. 2021. szeptember 22–24.

Borise, Lena & Katalin É. Kiss. 2021.  The emergence of conjunctions and phrasal coordination in Khanty. Inaugural talk of the Uralist Information Centre workshop, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. 2021. június 30.

Borise, Lena. 2021. The syntax of focus, wh-phrases, and neg-words in Georgian. Olinco 5; Palacký University. 2021. június 10-12.

Borise, Lena. 2021. Focus Projection Need Not be Based on Pitch Accents: Evidence from Georgian. Invited talk at the Phon/Phon Colloquium, University of Georgia. 2021. április 21.

Borise, Lena & Ekaterina Georgieva. 2021. Acoustic correlates of stress in Udmurt: inter-speaker variation and implications for stress processing. Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) 44. 2021. április 15–17.

Borise, Lena & David Erschler. 2021. Verb height, prosodic phrasing, and the flexible ⍳-mapping hypothesis: evidence from Iron Ossetic. Invited talk at LACIM: research network on languages of the Anatolia-Caucasus-Iran-Mesopotamia area, Inalco/Sorbonne-Nouvelle. 2021. április 12.

Borise, Lena. 2021 The prosody of focus projection: word stress and F0 patterns in Georgian. Syntax-Prosody Group, UC Santa Cruz. 2021. március 18.

Borise, Lena & David Erschler. 2021. How verb height determines ι-formation: evidence from Iron Ossetic. Invited talk at the Syn-Sem Colloquium, Potsdam University. 2021. január 26.

Burukina, Irina, Lena Borise & Marcel den Dikken. 2021. Russian èto, predication, and big DPs. Formal Descriptions of Slavic Languages (FDSL) 14; University of Leipzig. 2021. június 2-4.

Burukina, Irina, Lena Borise & Marcel den Dikken. 2021. Èto – èto predikativizator: a ‘big DP’ analysis of Russian copular constructions. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 30, MIT. 2021. május 13-16.

Burukina, Irina. December 2021. When embedded C projects an argument: Infinitival clauses in Mari. Invited talk at the workshop “Crossing boundaries: Empirical and theoretical aspects of A-dependencies in complementation”’, University of Vienna.

Burukina, Irina. May 2021. Arguments introduced by embedded C. Invited talk at the Department of Linguistics, UC San Diego.

Burukina, Irina. On P licensing dative subjects and agreement in infinitival clauses. The 52nd annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS52). Rutgers University/online. October 29—31.

Burukina, Irina. On a silent P licensing dative subjects and agreement markers in infinitival clauses. The 14th Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis conference (SinFonIJA14). Novi Sad/online. September 22—24.

Burukina, Irina. Two ways to nominalize in Kaqchikel. International Symposium of Morphology (ISMo 2021). Paris/online. September 22–24.

Burukina, Irina. Two ways to nominalize in Kaqchikel. The 5th American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM5). Ohio State University/online. August 26–29.  

Burukina, Irina. On a silent P licensing dative subjects and possessive markers in infinitival clauses. The 23rd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG23). Seoul/online. August 11—13.

Burukina, Irina. Dative subjects and possessive markers in infinitival clauses in Mari. Workshop on the Structure of Uralic Languages (WSUL). Pécs/online. August 27.

Burukina, Irina. Periphrastic perfective in Kaqchikel as nominal predication. Workshop on the Structure and Consistency of the Languages of the Americas (WSCLA25). Sogang University, May 28–30.

Burukina, Irina. Arguments introduced by C heads. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. January 7—10.

Burukina, Irina. On the nature of arguments in event nominals. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. January 7—10.

Dékány, Éva: Complex numerals: the case of overcounting. 5. Össznyelvész Konferencia, ELTE, Budapest/online. 2021. december 17–18.

Dékány, Éva: Classifiers: licensing and constituency in the NP. NELS 52, Rutgers University, online. 2021. október 29–31.

Dékány, Éva: Classifier licensing and the constituency of classifier expressions. Humboldt University research seminar, Humboldt University, Berlin. 2021. július 13.

Dékány, Éva: Classifiers for nouns, classifiers for numerals. 44th GLOW Colloquium, online. 2021. április 15–17.

Dékány, Éva – Ekaterina Georgieva: Where propositional arguments and participial relative clauses meet. On the nouniness of propositional arguments at the 43rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, University of Freiburg, online. 2021. február 23–26.

Dékány, Éva – Ekaterina Georgieva: The participle–nominalizer polysemy in Uralic and Turkic. Sixth Workshop on Turkic and Languages in Contact with Turkic, University of Toronto, online. 2021. február 19–20.

Dikken, Marcel den – Éva Dékány: On the internal and external syntax of depictive secondary predication. The International Workshop on Secondary Predication 2021, Kobe University, online. 2021. október 30–31.

Dikken, Marcel den – Éva Dékány: The morphosyntax of sociative and dissociative phrases, with particular focus on Hungarian. 14th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad/online. 2021. szeptember 22–24.

Dikken, Marcel den – Éva Dékány: The morphosyntax of sociative and dissociative phrases. 15th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, University of Pécs, Pécs. 2021. augusztus 25–26.

É. Kiss Katalin. The varying relation of case and verbal agreement in the Ugric languages. Cambridge Comparative Syntax (CamCos) 9. Cambridge/online, 2021. január 19-20.

É. Kiss Katalin. The evolving of nouny subordination in Hungarian: From parataxis or from correlatives? 43rd Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society. Freiburg/online. 2021. febr. 23-26.

É. Kiss Katalin és Gugán Katalin. The evolution of the Hungarian complementizer hogy. International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH) 15. Pécs, augusztus 25-27.

É. Kiss Katalin és Mus Nikolett. The pronoun cycle. NELS (North East Linguistic Society) 52. Rutgers University/online, 2021. október 29-31.

É. Kiss Katalin. A főnévi igenév visszaszorulása a moldvai magyar modális szerkezetekben: egy nyelvtörténeti folyamat betetőzése vagy román hatás? PPKE, Nyelvelmélet és kontaktológia 5. 2021. november.

Georgieva, Ekaterina: How ‘before’ turns into ‘rather’: evidence from Turkic and Uralic.

Language Change: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives/Formal Diachronic Semantics 5, January 2021, Jerusalem [online]

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Inflectionless adjectives in Bulgarian as nominal predication. 14th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages, June 2021, Leipzig [online]

Georgieva, Ekaterina: The use of Meadow Mari possessive suffixes in nominal ellipsis.

Workshop on the Structure of Uralic Languages, August 2021, Pécs [online]

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Nominal ellipsis in Meadow Mari. 5th American International Morphology Meeting, August 2021 Ohio [online]

 Gugán, Katalin – Veronika Hegedűs. The devil is in the details: Verb Modifiers in 16th-century Hungarian. Poster presentation at: 15th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, University of Pécs, Pécs, 25–27 August 2021.

Halm, Tamás. The syntax of virtual performatives in English. 52nd Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 52), Rutgers University, October 2021 [online]

Halm, Tamás. The syntax of virtual performatives in English. 14th         Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA14),          University of Novi Sad, September 2021 [online]

Halm, Tamás. Want, unconditionals, ever-free-relatives and scalar particles: the sources of free-choice items in Hungarian. Formal Diachronic      Semantics 6, University of Cologne, September 2021 [online]

Halm, Tamás. Want, unconditionals, ever-free-relatives and scalar particles: the sources of free-choice items in Hungarian. 14th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian, University of Pécs, August 2021.

Halm, Tamás. Why almost and almost ended up being different: The diachrony of approximatives in Hungarian. 22nd Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DIGS22), University of Konstanz, May 2021.

Halm, Tamás. Why almost and almost are not even approximatively the same: The diachrony of approximatives in Hungarian. Formal Diachronic Semantics 5 (FoDS 5). Hebrew University, Jerusalem, January 2021.

Hegedűs, Veronika. The paths that lead to verbal particles: Evidence from Hungarian, Diachronic Generative Syntax 22, University of Konstanz (online), 19–22 May 2021.

Szabó Ditta. Az indirekt evidenciális morféma grammatikalizációja az udmurtban. Nyelvészdoktoranduszok 25. Országos Konferenciája. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szeged, Magyarország. 2021. november 18-19.

Szabó Ditta. A török és a permi nyelvek evidencialitásának eredetéről. Nyelvelmélet és kontaktológia 5. Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország. 2021. november 17.

Szabó Ditta. On marking of direct evidentiality in Udmurt. Emerging Topics in Typology. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. 2021. november 8.

Szabó Ditta. On the possible origins of the evidential function and the case of Udmurt evidentiality. Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. Moscow, Russia. 2021. október 13-15.


Asztalos Erika – F. Gulyás Nikolett: When possessive suffixes are missing: non-agreeing possessees in Udmurt and Komi-Permyak. Össznyelvész konferencia, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest. 2020. január 24–25.

Asztalos Erika: Word order typology and the case of Udmurt. 8th Winter School of Finno-Ugric Studies, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest. 2020. január 27.

Asztalos Erika: The heterogeneity of postverbal elements in Udmurt. Syntax-Semantics Colloquium, University of Potsdam, Online. 2020. július 14.

Bende-Farkas Ágnes: The Grammaticalisation of Egész ’Whole’ in Hungarian. 13th conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 13), Budapest/Online. 2020. szeptember 24–26.

Bende-Farkas Ágnes: A vala-kifejezéssel bevezetett mondatok Pázmány Péter műveiben. Nyelvelmélet és Dialektológia, Pázmány-ülésszak Nyelvelmélet és Dialektológia 5 / 2020 nov. 17–18., / Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem BTK

Borise, Lena, és Ekaterina Georgieva: Stress and phrasal prosody in Udmurt. Beszédkutatás 2020 / 2020. december 14-15., Budapest (online) / Nyelvtudományi Intézet Fonetikai Osztálya

Borise, Lena és David Erschler: Verb height indeed determines prosodic phrasing: evidence from Iron Ossetic. North-Eastern Linguistic Society (NELS) 51 / 2020. november 6-8., Montréal (online) / Université du Québec à Montréal  

Borise, Lena  és David Erschler: Verb height, prosodic phrasing, and the flexible i-mapping hypothesis: evidence from Iron Ossetic. Linguistics Colloquium: Prosody Series sorozat meghívott előadás / 2020. oktober 10., Tokyo, Japan (online) / International Christian University /

Borise, Lena és David Erschler: Verb height indeed determines prosodic phrasing: evidence from Iron Ossetic Departmental Colloquium in Linguistics sorozat meghívott előadás / 2020. november 24., Beersheba, Israel (online) / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Borise, Lena és David Erschler: How verb height determines ι-formation: evidence from Iron Ossetic. Syntax-prosody interface sorozat meghívott előadás / 2020. december 17., Santa Cruz, US (online) / University of California Santa Cruz /

Borise, Lena, és Ekaterina Georgieva: Stress and phrasal prosody in Udmurt: initial results. 5th Workshop on Languages of the Volga-Kama Sprachbund / 2020. december 11-12., Moscow (online) / Institute of Linguistics of RAS és High School of Economics

Burukina Irina: When embedded C projects an argument. 51st annual meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 51) / 2020. November 6-8, Montréal, Canada (online) / University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM) 

Burukina Irina: When embedded C projects an argument. 22nd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG22) / 2020 August 12-14, Seoul, Republic of Korea (online) / Gyeongsang National University

Burukina Irina: Introducing an Addressee: when embedded C projects an argument. Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 56 / 2020 April 30 – May 2, Chicago, IL, USA / University of Chicago (poster)

Burukina Irina & Marcel den Dikken: Russian èto-focus and to-topic sentences as elliptical question-answer pairs 22nd Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG22) / 2020 August 12-14, Seoul, Republic of Korea (online) / Gyeongsang National University

Burukina Irina & Marcel den Dikken: Elliptical question-answer pairs in the syntax of Russian éto-focus and to-topic sentences. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 29 (FASL29) / 2020 May 8-10, Seattle, WA, USA (online) / University of Washington / / (talk)

Burukina Irina & Alexandra Kubatieva: Control in event nominals revealed by antipassive Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 56 / 2020 April 30 – May 2, Chicago, IL, USA (online) / University of Chicago / / (talk)

Burukina, Irina – Lena Borise – Marcel den Dikken: Russian èto, predication, and big DPs. Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS) 15 conference. Online. 2020. szeptember 6.

Burukina, Irina – Lena Borise – Marcel den Dikken: Russian èto, predication, and big DPs. 10th Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters conference. Online. 2020. október 7.

Dékány Éva – Ekaterina Georgieva: Three ways of explaining the participle-nominalizer polysemy. 13th conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis, Budapest/Online. 2020. szeptember 24–26.

Dékány Éva – Ekaterina Georgieva: Meghívott előadás: On the Shared Morphology between Participles and Nominalizations, ’Syntactic approaches to morphology’ workshop. NYU/Online. 2020. december 4–5.

Dékány Éva – Ekaterina Georgieva: The participle-nominalizer polysemy in Udmurt, 5th workshop on languages of the Volga-Kama Sprachbund, Moszkva, 2020. december.

É. Kiss Katalin: A veszélyeztetett uráli nyelvek nyelvelméleti és magyar nyelvtörténeti tanulságai. Finnugor szeminárium. Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest, 2020. január 10.

É. Kiss Katalin: What determines the varying relation of case and agreement? Evidence from the Ugric languages. CamCoS [Cambridge Comparative Syntax] 9, Cambridge, 2020. szeptember 9.

É. Kiss Katalin: Absence vs. non-existence: two abessive postpositions in Hungarian. Typology of Caritive / 2020. nov. 30.–dec., 2, Szentpétervár (online) / Institute for Linguistic Studies, RAS

É. Kiss Katalin: Az alkalmazott nyelvészet leíró és elméleti nyelvészeti hozadékai. MANYE [Magyar Alkalmazott Nyelvészek és Nyelvtanárok Egyesülete] 30 / 2020. december 4. Budapest / Nyelvtudományi Intézet /

É. Kiss Katalin: Fejlődés vagy változás? Az alárendelés alakulása a magyarban és az obi-ugor nyelvekben. Debreceni Akadémiai Bizottság meghívott előadás / 2020. december 10., Debrecen (online)

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Inflectionless adjectives in Bulgarian as a case of nominal predication, 15th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, Online, 2020. szeptember.

Halm Tamás: Premature Spell-Out in Colloquial Hungarian: Evidence for the Fine Structure of the Minimal VP, Linearising Constituents Across Domains (LCAD2020). University College London / University of Nova Gorica / Bled Institute, Bled, Szlovénia. 2020. október 15.

Halm Tamás. Vegánok és antialkoholisták – A tárgyeset és a tárgyas ragozás szétválása az ómagyarban, Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest. 2020. május 28.

Hegedűs Veronika – Mus Nikolett – Surányi Balázs / Grammatical strategies of predication in environmental constructions: A view from Hungarian and Tundra Nenets. 13th Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 13) / 2020. szeptember 24-26., Budapest (online) / Nyelvtudományi Intézet /  / (Poszter prezentáció)

Huszár Anna – Halm Tamás: The syntax of expletive negation in exclamatives: Evidence from Hungarian, 13th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 13), Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest, Online. 2020. szeptember 24–26.


Asztalos Erika: Nonverbal existential sentences in Udmurt. New results in the syntax of Uralic languages workshop, Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest. 2019. október 22.

Bende-Farkas Ágnes: Az egész grammatikalizációja. Mi a furcsa és mi a szabályos. Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 4. PPKE, Budapest, 2019. november 21–22.

Bende-Farkas, Ágnes: The Semantics of Old Hungarian Floating Mind ’All’. Elfogadott előadás: Formal Diachronic Semantics 4, OSU (Columbus), 2019. november 15–16.

Bende-Farkas Ágnes: The Semantics of Old Hungarian Floating Mind ’All’. AICED 21, Bukarest, 2019. június 6–8.

Borise, Lena: Phrasing is key: the syntax and prosody of focus in Georgian. Meghívott előadás: University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Basque Research Group in Theoretical Linguistics/ Hizkuntzalaritza Teorikorako Taldea, 2019. november 27.

Burukina, Irina: Antipassive: a View from Nominalization. , 3rd Budapest Linguistics Conference (BLINC3), Budapest, 2019. június 6–8.

Burukina, Irina: Nominalized antipassive constructions in Kaqchikel. Workshop on the Structure and Consistency of the Languages of the Americas (WSCLA 24), College Park, MD. 2019. május.

Burukina, Irina: Licensing of DP/PRO embedded subjects in Russian. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 28 (FASL28), Stony Brook, NY, 2019. május.

Burukina, Irina: Nominalized antipassive constructions in Kaqchikel. Elfogadott előadás: Master Class with Artemis Alexiadou, Thessaloniki, 2019. március.

Burukina, Irina: On DP/PRO alternation: evaluative adjectives and embedded infinitival clauses in Russian. DGfS41 workshop “Cross-linguistic variation in control phenomena”, Bremen, 2019. március.

Dékány Éva: Possessive structure in Hungarian: from Poss to the DP left-periphery. (Meghívott előadás) Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, 2019. január 17.

Dékány Éva – Agyagási Klára: Numeral classifiers in language contact: the case of Finno-Ugric. (Meghívott előadás) Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv, 2019. január 17.

Dékány Éva – Ekaterina Georgieva: The participle–nominalizer polysemy in Udmurt. New results in the syntax of Uralic languages workshop, Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest, 2019. október 22.

Den Dikken, Marcel – Éva Dékány: Passives that look like causatives – Causatives that read like passives. CAUS+SE=PASS, SinFonIJA 12, Masaryk University, Brno, 2019. szeptember 12–14.

Egedi Barbara – Ekaterina Georgieva – Veronika Hegedűs – Nikolett Mus: The syntax of belonging: cross-linguistic variation within Uralic, 3rd Syntax of Uralic Languages conference (SOUL3), Tartu, 2019. június 18–19.

É. Kiss Katalin: A balkáni kötőmód beépülése két magyar nyelvváltozat beszélőinek grammatikájába. Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 4. PPKE, Budapest, 2019. november 21–22.

É. Kiss Katalin: Fused grammatical functions and discourse roles. Evidence from the Ugric languages. The Syntax and Semantics of internal Arguments, Workshop of the University of Köln and the University of Bucharest, Bukarest, 2019. október 24–25.

É. Kiss Katalin: What determines the varying relation of case and agreement? Evidence from the Ugric languages. New Results in the Syntax of Uralic Languages. Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest, 2019. október 22.

É. Kiss Katalin: The spreading of two borrowed constructions across Hungarian dialects. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Lipcse, 2019. augusztus 21–24.

É. Kiss Katalin: Fused grammatical functions and discourse roles in Ob-Ugric: Multiple Case Assignment. 3rd Syntax of Uralic Languages conference (SOUL3), Tartu, 2019. június 18–19.

Georgieva, Ekaterina – Martin Salzmann – Philipp Weisser: Ellipsis does not bleed Lowering. Evidence from do-support and fragment answers in Finno-Ugric. (poszter) 50th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, Cambridge (MA). 2019. október 25–27.

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Sometimes ‘before’ is ‘rather’: evidence from Finno-Ugric and Turkic. Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest. 2019. október 10.

Georgieva, Ekaterina: Preference clauses in the Volga-Kama language area. 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, Pavia. 2019. szeptember 4–6.

Georgieva, Ekaterina – Martin Salzmann – Philipp Weisser: Negative verb clusters in Meadow Mari and Udmurt, 3rd Syntax of Uralic Languages conference (SOUL3), Tartu, 2019. június 18–19.

Georgieva, Ekaterina – Martin Salzmann – Philipp Weisser: Negation, Adverbial Clitics and the Insertion of a Dummy Copula: Arguments for postsyntactic verb cluster formation in Mari and Udmurt, 3rd Budapest Linguistics Conference (BLINC3), Budapest, 2019. június 6–8.

Halm Tamás: Szinte és majdnem: diakrón szemantikai elemzés. Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 4., PPKE, Budapest, 2019. november 21–22.

Halm Tamás: Deep Down, Hungarian is Still OV: Evidence from Radically Truncated Clauses. New Results in the Syntax of Uralic Languages. Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest, 2019. október 22.

Halm Tamás: Almost and almost are not even approximately the same: Evidence from Hungarian. 12th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 12), Masaryk University, Brno, 2019. szeptember 12–14.

Halm Tamás: Radically Truncated Clauses: Revisiting the Structure of VP in Hungarian and Beyond. 14th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH14), University of Potsdam, 2019. június 11–12.

Halm, Tamás – Ágnes Bende-Farkas: An Epistemic Determiner in Hungarian: Its Construals and Its Evolution. Formal Diachronic Semantics 4, OSU (Columbus), 2019. november 15–16.

Halm Tamás – Ágnes Bende-Farkas: The Birth of an Epistemic Indefinite: Vaegy in Transylvanian Hungarian. 12th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 12), Masaryk University, Brno, 2019. szeptember 12–14.

Halm, Tamás – Ágnes Bende-Farkas: An Epistemic Determiner in Hungarian: Its Construals and Its Evolution. 14th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH14), University of Potsdam, 2019. június 11–12.

Halm, Tamás – Ágnes Bende-Farkas: An Epistemic Determiner in Hungarian: Its Construals and Its Evolution. AICED 21, Bukarest, 2019. június 6–8.

Halm Tamás – Ágnes Bende-Farkas: The Birth of an Epistemic Indefinite: Vaegy in Transylvanian Hungarian. 21st Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DIGS21), Arizona State University, Phoenix (AZ), USA, 2019. június 4–7.

Hegedűs Veronika: Az újra igekötő grammatikalizációja. Nyelvelmélet és diakrónia 4., PPKE, Budapest, 2019. november 21–22.

Huszthy Bálint: Az északi csángók „pöszesége” modern hangtani keretben. A Magyar Tudomány Napja Erdélyben, Kolozsvár, Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, 2019. november 23.