Theoretical and Experimental Syntax Research Group
Research area

Our research group focuses on theoretical, experimental and descriptive linguistic research in the field of syntax. The aim of our research is twofold: (1) to explore, analyse and model syntactic or syntactically conditioned grammatical phenomena in a variety of languages, including Hungarian in particular; and (2) to provide a comprehensive explanation of the properties of the analysed patterns within a formal linguistic framework based on general and comparative linguistics. The latter is intended to contribute to a better understanding of the fundamental features of human language systems, that is, to general linguistic theory. Our research extends beyond syntax to the interface of syntax with other grammatical and pragmatic linguistic components. In particular, our work focuses on the interfaces between syntax and morphology, syntax and information structure, syntax and semantics, and syntax and prosody. The complex interactions and acquisition processes of these subsystems are also investigated using experimental linguistic methods involving native Hungarian-speaking adults and preschool children.

Head of the research group:

Balázs Surányi, DSc
Phone: +36 (1) 342-9372/6090

Theoretical and Experimental Syntax Research Group

research group leader, research professor

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

senior research fellow

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

Gergő TURI
research fellow

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

deputy director-general, senior research fellow

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

emeritus professor

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

research professor

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

junior research fellow

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

research assistant

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

Veronika HEGEDŰS
director, senior research fellow

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

Theoretical and Experimental Syntax Research Group

An experimental investigation of the interaction between syntax and related grammatical subsystems

In this research topic, the cooperation of syntax and other grammatical subsystems related to syntax -- more specifically, semantics, information structure and prosody -- is investigated using experimental methods...

Grammatical description of Hungarian

Within the frame of this research topic, we work on a detailed and systematic grammatical description of the present-day Hungarian language. The focus of the project is on syntax, but it also includes the description of some basic morphological and phonological phenomena.

Syntactic theory

This research is focused on the internal processes of the syntactic system of human language, whose phenomena are analysed and modelled within a generative linguistic framework.

Theoretical and Experimental Syntax Research Group

3 results
3 results
2024. Nov. 14. - 2024. Nov. 15.
PPKE BTK, Sophianum (Mikszáth tér)
2024. Nov. 14. - 2024. Nov. 15.
PPKE BTK, Sophianum (Mikszáth tér)
Nyelvelmélet és nyelvleírás konferencia
2024. Nov. 14. - 2024. Nov. 15.
PPKE BTK, Sophianum (Mikszáth tér)

Nyelvelmélet és nyelvleírás konferencia

Szervezők: a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kara és a HUN-REN Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont
PPKE BTK Társadalomtudományi Kara és a HUN-REN Nyelvtudományi Kutatóközpont