Edited by Beáta Gyuris, László Kálmán, Chris Piñón and Károly Varasdi
Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium on Logic and Language
This volume contains the papers presented at the Ninth Symposium on Logic and Language (a.k.a. LoLa-9), which was held at Hotel Fauna in Besenyőtelek, Hungary on 24– 26 August 2006. It was the latest in the Symposium series, which began in Debrecen in 1987 and continued thereafter on the average of every 2.11 years in Hajdúszoboszló in 1989, Révfülöp in 1990, Budapest in 1992, Noszvaj in 1994, Budapest in 1998, Pécs in 2002, and Debrecen in 2004. The goal of the Symposium series has always been to foster a dialogue between logicians interested in natural language and linguists interested in formal approaches to the analysis of natural language. LoLa-9 had information structure as its special theme.
The organizing committee of LoLa-9 (which included Kinga Gárdai in addition to us) relied heavily on the reviews of an external program committee to decide which abstracts to accept. The program committee consisted of Gábor Alberti, Cleo Condoravdi, Paul Dekker, Jan van Eijck, Chris Fox, Hans-Martin Gärtner, Jonathan Ginzburg, Marcus Kracht, Manfred Krifka, Márta Maleczki, András Máté, Barbara Partee, György Rákosi, Robert van Rooij, Enikő Tóth, Ken Turner, and Zsófia Zvolenszky. We wish to thank all of these people for their often detailed reviews, which generally aided both the organizers and the authors of the abstracts. Thanks also go to the four invited speakers, Paul Dekker, Marcus Kracht, Manfred Krifka, and Barbara Partee, who contributed to the success of LoLa-9 by their readiness to come and present their work.
The gratefully acknowledged financial support for LoLa-9 came from the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, also from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences itself, and last but not least from the registered participants.