Directorate General
director-general, university professor, DSc
scientific deputy director-general, PhD
executive deputy director-general, PhD
senior advisor, PhD
chief financial officer
scientific secretary, PhD
Institute directors
Director of the Institute for Historical and Uralic Linguistics, DSc
Director of the Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics, PhD
Director of the Institute for Language Technologies and Applied Linguistics, PhD
Director of the Institute for Lexicology, PhD
Council of Directors
The Council of Directors (IT) is the Director-General’s advisory body, which takes part in the preparation of decisions and thus meets to give its opinion and make proposals on all major issues affecting the Centre. The Director-General shall take decisions on matters within his competence on the basis of the deliberations of the meeting.
The current members of the IT are:
- Gábor Prószéky, director-general, the president of the IT
- Huba Bartos, scientific deputy director-general
- András Cser, institute director
- Veronika Hegedűs, institute director
- Enikő Héja, institute director
- Bence Kas, senior research fellow
- Veronika Lipp, executive deputy director-general, institute director
- Katalin Mády, president of the Works Council (ÜT)
- Balázs Surányi, research professor
- Ditta Szabó, scientific secretary
- Judit Temesvári, chief financial officer
- Dávid Timár, chief librarian
Scientific Council of the Research Centre
The Scientific Council of the Research Centre (KUTTA) is the Director-General’s advisory body, which is concerned with major questions related to the scientific research conducted in the Centre.
The current members of the KUTTA are:
- Katalin É. Kiss, research professor emeritus, the president of the KUTTA
- Marianne Bakró-Nagy, research professor emeritus
- Zoltán Bánréti, research professor emeritus
- Huba Bartos, scientific deputy director-general
- Mária Gósy, rese,arch professor emeritus
- István Kenesei, research professor emeritus
- Veronika Lipp, executive deputy director-general, institute director
- Gábor Prószéky, director-general
- Balázs Surányi, research professor
- Ditta Szabó, scientific secretary