Enikő HÉJA
research group leader, research fellow
Institute for Language Technologies and Applied Linguistics
Enikő HÉJA•Publications
Enikő HÉJA
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49 results
49 results
Váradi, T, and E Héja. 2011. Multilingual term extraction from parallel corpora - A methodology for the automatic extraction of verbal structures and their translation equivalents. MAGYAR TERMINOLÓGIA 4, 2: 226–237.
Gábor, K, and E Héja. 2007. Complements and adjuncts in machine translation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BASQUE LINGUISTICS AND PHILOLOGY 41, 2: 59–70.
Gábor, K, and E Héja. 2007. Extracting information from participial structures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BASQUE LINGUISTICS AND PHILOLOGY 41, 2: 121–130.
Gábor, K, and E Héja. 2006. A rule-based analysis of complements and adjuncts. In: Radovan G (szerk.) Computer Treatment of Slavic and East European languages. Slovko 2005. Bratislava: Vydavatelstvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied (VEDA). 37–49.
Héja E. 2002. Donald Gillies: Philosophical theories of probability. MAGYAR FILOZÓFIAI SZEMLE 3: 2.