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I am linguist working on syntax and its interfaces with information structure, semantics and prosody, including aspects of first language acquisition. In my research I combine theoretical modeling with experimental methods.
I am currently research professor at the HUN-REN Research Centre for Linguistics, where I'm head of the Research Group in Theoretical and Experimental Syntax. I'm also full professor at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU), where I'm chair of the Department of Theoretical Linguistics and head of the Doctoral School of Linguistics.
Together with Anders Holmberg, I am founding editor of the Journal of Uralic Linguistics, published by John Benjamins. I am also editor-in-chief of Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok, a Hungarian periodical devoted to general linguistics, published by Akadémiai Kiadó, Hungary’s oldest continuously operating publishing house.
I am a member of the Linguistic Studies section of the Academia Europaea.
Click here to open my CV in pdf.
Click here to open my list of publications in pdf.
Click here for a link to my ResearchGate.