Uralic Information Centre: talk series

June 30Lena Borise and Katalin É. Kiss (Budapest): The emergence of conjunctions and phrasal coordination in Khanty ― handout
September 29Anders Holmberg (Newcastle University), Heete Sahkai (Institute of the Estonian Language, Anne Tamm (Károly Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary): The Estonian and the Finnish left periphery 
October 27Endre Németh (Department of Anthropology, Hungarian Natural History Museum): Parallels and paradoxes: Comparing the genetic and linguistic relationships of Uralic languages and Uralic speaking populations (ppt)
November 24Sampsa Holopainen (University of Vienna): On some problems of Ugric etymology — ppt
December 29Pauli Brattico: Long head movement in Finnish
January 26Irina Burukina (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics): Dative postpositions and agreement in Mari: What can infinitives tell us?, [zoom_irina_burukina_2022.01.26.mp4]
February 23Zsófia Schön (LMU Munich): A Yugan Khanty corpus, a textbook and the locative marked agent – handout
March 30Katalin Sipőcz and Sándor Szeverényi (University of Szeged): Ethno-syntactic investigation of evidentiality in two Siberian Uralic Languages [slides]
April 27Stepan Mikhailov (HSE University): Diagnosing and Distinguishing Northern Khanty POSS.2SG Unpossessives [zoom] [slides]
May 25Maria Usacheva (The Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy), Maria Brykina (The University of Hamburg), Alexey Leontyev (ABBYY): How does contact influence actually work? The case of adjective plural marking in Permic languages
September 28Research group of the Typological Database of the Volga Area Finno-Ugric Languages project: 3 x 209 Challenges Accepted: Compiling the Typological Database of the Volga Area Finno-Ugric Languages [utdb_talk.pdf]
October 26Katalin É. Kiss (Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics): From parataxis to finite subordination in the Ugric Languages
November 30Nikolett F. Gulyás (Eötvös Loránd University): Object marking in Komi-Permyak [ppt]
January 25Chris Lasse Däbritz (University of Hamburg) : Locative and existential predications in languages of the Ob-Yenisei area
February 22Jeremy Bradley (University of Vienna): Non-finite verbal forms in the Volga-Kama region: some avenues of investigation
March 29Mariia Privizentseva (Leipzig University): The relative clause structure and projecting movement: Insights from inverse case attraction in Moksha Mordvin [talk.pdf]
April 26Ksenia Shagal (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): Approaching the competition between strategies in Uralic subordination [ppt]
May 31Ferenc Havas (Eötvös Loránd University): Diathetic Ambivalence of Participles in the Uralic Languages [talk]
June 21Daniel Abondolo (University College London) – Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi (University College London, Uppsala University): Presentation of the second edition of The Uralic Languages
September 27Gerson Klumpp, Elena Markus, Denys Teptiuk, Triin Todesk, Marili Tomingas, Eda-Riin Tuuling, Julia Zubova: The discourse particle no/nu in Uralic languages
October 25Johannes Hirvonen (University of Vienna): Topics in Meadow Mari Information Structure [talk]
November 29Alexandra Belkind (Leipzig University): Indirective-secundative alternation in Kazym Khanty [talk]
January 31Lena Borise (University of the Basque Country) – Tamás Halm (Pázmány Péter Catholic University; HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics): The curious case of the two-headed phrase: co-compounds in Hungarian and Khanty [talk]
February 28Silja-Maija Spets (University of Turku): Mari retrospectivizing particles as markers of epistemic authority and primacy [talk]
March 27Nikita Muravyev (University of Hamburg): Subjective and objective conjugation in Northern Khanty: a lexically conditioned choice?
April 24Márta Csepregi (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistic; ELTE University) – Nikolett F. Gulyás (ELTE University): Causatives in Surgut Khanty and beyond [handout]
May 29Ekaterina Georgieva (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics): On sluicing in Meadow Mari and Udmurt
June 26Rebeka Kubitsch (University of Szeged): The role of indirect evidentials to mark epistemic primacy, epistemic authority and intersubjective distribution in Udmurt [talk]
October 2Mária Sipos (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics) – Eszter Ruttkay-Miklián (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for the Humanities): The legacy of Éva Schmidt. What does it contain and what can we learn from it?
October 30Andreas Pregla (University of Potsdam): Scrambling and lack thereof in Uralic OV [talk]
November 27Denys Teptiuk (University of Tartu): Discursive functions of reported speech and thought in Uralic: towards a typology
January 29Sampsa Holopainen (University of Helsinki): Early Indo-European loanwords in the Uralic West? [talk]
February 26Paul Kiparsky (Stanford University): Finnish Structural Case
March 26Juha Janhunen (University of Helsinki): Uralic as a Eurasian language family with transcontinental dimensions
April 30Mariann Bernhardt (University of Helsinki): t.b.a.
May 28Surányi, Balázs (HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics): t.b.a.