Comprehensive Grammar Resources: Hungarian (CGRH)•Research area
The aim of the project is to produce a multi-volume grammatical description of the Hungarian language in such detail that has as yet not been seen. It is motivated by decades of intensive research into the language as well as by the world-wide enterprise currently in process to write and publish similar grammars (the Comprehensive Grammar Resources series). The product will be a theoretically based, but theory-neutral, and relatively easily accessible systematic collection of classifications and descriptions.
The project is in effect the conglomerate of eight closely coordinated research projects of over 35 researchers between them, with separate team leaders but overlapping team members, and, most importantly, with a common objective, methodology, and esprit de corps. It brings together staff from six major research centres in Hungary, plus postdocs and graduate students from five other countries. The team leaders are all scholars of high standing, most of them with long records of successful projects here and abroad.
Former staff:

Comprehensive Grammar Resources: Hungarian (CGRH)•Staff