research group leader, research professor

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics

Research expertise and interests: Syntax and its interfaces with information structure, logical scope, sentence prosody and first language acquisition.





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+36 (1) 3429372 / 6090


132 results
132 results
Hegedűs, Veronika, István Kenesei, Lilla Pintér, and Balázs Surányi (eds.). 2017. 13th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian [abstracts]. Budapest: MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet.
Surányi, Balázs (ed.). 2016. Acta Linguistica Hungarica Vol. 63. Issue 2. Syntactic Locality at the Interfaces (különszám)
Surányi, B, S Ishihara, and F Schubö. 2012. Syntax–Prosody Mapping: Topic–Comment Structure and Stress–Focus Correspondence in Hungarian. In: Gorka Elordieta Alciba, Pilar Prieto (szerk.) Prosody and Meaning. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 35–72.
Surányi, B. 2012. Interface configurations: Identificational focus and the flexibility of syntax. In: Ad Neeleman, Kucerova I (szerk.) Information Structure: Contrasts and Positions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 87–101.
Surányi, B. 2010. Merge. In: Patrick Colm Hogan (szerk.) Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. New York: Cambridge University Press. 482–483.
Surányi, B. 2010. Principles and Parameters theory. In: Patrick Colm Hogan (szerk.) Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. New York: Cambridge University Press. 666–669.
Surányi, B. 2010. Subextraction from subjects and objects: Cyclicity and Freezing. In: Torrens V (szerk.) Movement and Clitics. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 64–84.
Surányi, B. 2010. Toward a strongly derivational syntax.. In: Michael Putnam (szerk.) Exploring Crash-Proof Grammars. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 167–212.
Surányi B. 2009. Probléma-eltolódások a chomskyánus nyelvelméletben. A generatív nyelvészet ma. MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY 170, 9: 1052–1058.
Surányi, B. 2009. Identificational focusing. Focus raising and stress-focus correspondence. In: Moscati V, Servidio E (szerk.) Proceedings XXXV Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Siena: University of Siena. 258–268.
Surányi, B. 2009. Natures of cyclicity of derivation. Derivational DP islands. In: Generative Grammar. Proceedings of the Second Novi Sad Workshop. Novi Sad: University of Novi Sad. 74–90.
Surányi, Balázs. 2009. Cyclic derivation, and the opacity of subjects and objects. In: Coopmans P, Everaert M, Marelj M (szerk.) Promoting Systems Interface. Utrecht: Utrecht Institute of Linguistics. 465–478.
Surányi, Balázs. 2009. Natures of cyclicity of derivation: Derivational DP islands. In: Bailyn John et al (szerk.) Proceedings of the Second Novi Sad Generative Syntax Workshop. Novi Sad: University of Novi Sad. 74–90.
Surányi B. 2008. Határozók és kvantorok a magyar mondatszerkezetben. A magyar "rugalmas" szórend. NÉPRAJZ ÉS NYELVTUDOMÁNY 2008: 3.
Surányi B. 2008. Határozóosztályok és mondattartományok. NYELVTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK 105: 163–192.
Surányi, B, and A Márkus. 2007. Vacuous Movements in Subject Questions. In: Rasulic K (szerk.) English Language and Literature Studies: Structures Across Cultures. International Conference. [s.l.]: University of Belgrade. 145–157.
Surányi, B. 2007. Subject islands. Cyclicity of derivation and 'weak' phases. In: Picchi MC, Pona A (szerk.) Incontro di Grammatica Generativa 32th Proceedings. Alexandria: Edizioni dell'Orso. 1–24.
Surányi, B. 2007. Subject islands. Cyclicity of derivation and 'weak' phases. In: Picchi MC, Pona A (szerk.) Proceedings of the 32th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa. Alexandria: Edizioni dell'Orso. 178–201.
Surányi, B. 2006. Hungarian as a Japanese-type scrambling language. In: Davis C, Deal AR, Zabbal Y (szerk.) NELS 36. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, Volume II. Amherst (MA): Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA). 561–574.
Surányi, B. 2006. Mechanisms of wh-saturation and interpretation in multiple wh-movement. In: Lisa Cheng, Norbert Corver (szerk.) Wh-movement: Moving On. Cambridge: MIT Press. 289–318.
Surányi, B. 2006. Scrambling in Hungarian. ACTA LINGUISTICA HUNGARICA 53, 4: 393–432.
Surányi, B. 2006. Towards a purely derivational approach to syntax. EVEN YEARBOOK : A COLLECTION OF PAPERS BY MEMBERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 7: 1–25.
Surányi, Balázs, and Andrea Márkus. 2006. Vacuous movements in subject questions.. In: Trbojević Ivana, Rasulić Katarina (szerk.) English Language and Literature Studies: Interfaces and Integrations. ELLSII75 Proceedings. Vol. I. Belgrád: University of Belgrade. 145–158.
Surányi, Balázs. 2006. Subject Islands: Cyclicity of Derivation and Intermediate Movement to Edges.. In: Ansia Schardl, Marin Walkow, Muhammad Abdurrahman (szerk.) NELS 38: Proceedings of 38th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society. 401–414.
Surányi, B. 2005. Multiple movements in multiple questions and pair list answers. In: GLOW Colloquium 2005. Proceedings. [s.l.]: s.n.. 112–113.
Surányi, Balázs. 2005. Hungarian NC: a universal quantifier / indefinite ambiguity account.. In: Chicago Linguistic Society 39.. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 559–577.
Surányi, Balázs. 2005. Multiple movements in multiple questions and pair list answers.. GLOW NEWSLETTER 28: 112–113.
Surányi, B. 2004. Differential Quantifier Scope. In: Bonami O, Hofherr PC (szerk.) Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 5. 215–240.
Surányi, Balázs. 2004. Differential Quantifier Scope: Q-Raising versus Q-Feature Checking.. EMPIRICAL ISSUES IN SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS 5: 215–240.
Surányi, Balázs. 2004. Head movement qua root merger.. EVEN YEARBOOK : A COLLECTION OF PAPERS BY MEMBERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS 6: 167–183.
Surányi, Balázs. 2004. Interaction of syntactic mechanisms in Q-interaction: A defense of QR.. GLOW NEWSLETTER 27.
Surányi, Balázs. 2004. Movement and choice functions: on the syntax/semantics interface of answerhood conditions.. In: Comorovski Iliana, Manfred Krifka (szerk.) Proceedings of the Workshop on the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of questions. 24–30.
Surányi, Balázs. 2004. The left periphery and Cyclic Spellout: the case of Hungarian.. In: David Adger, Cecile de Cat, George Tsoulash (szerk.) Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and their Effects: Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 49–73.
Surányi, Balázs. 2003. Head movement qua substitution. GLOW NEWSLETTER 26.
Surányi, Balázs. 2003. Patterns of multiple wh in Hungarian: how syntax determines answerhood conditions.. In: Yoon Hang-Jin (szerk.) Generative Grammar in a Broader Perspective: Proceedings of the 4th GLOW in Asia. 597–619.
Surányi, Balázs. 2003. Quantifier Interaction and Differential Scope-Taking.. STUDIES IN MODERN GRAMMAR 34: 31–70.
Surányi, Balázs. 2002. Negation and a hybrid paradigm of n-words: the case of Hungarian. In: Sergio Baauw, Mike Huskies, Maaike Schoorlemmer (szerk.) The OTS Yearbook. Utrecht: Utrecht University. 67–91.
Surányi, Balázs. 2000. The left periphery in Hungarian: the division of labour between checking- and scope-driven movement.
Surányi Balázs. 1999. Idő és egyeztetés az agrammatikus produkcióban.: A szintaktikai fa metszése.
Surányi Balázs. 1999. Jelöléselmélet és többszörös operátormozgatás a magyarban. In: Nyelvészeti Doktoranduszok 3. Országos Konferenciája. Szeged: József Attila Tudományegyetem (JATE).
Surányi, Balázs. 1999. Bare Binding Theory. In: ConSole VII. Proceedings. 261–275.
Surányi, Balázs. 1999. Operator and head movement in Hungarian: from checking to marking. In: Proceedings of the Third Symposium of Doctoral Students in Linguistics. Budapest: ELTE; Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (MTA). -.
Surányi, Balázs. 1998. Management of Capacity Reduction in Broca
Surányi, Balázs. 1998. Minimal Binding. In: Proceedings of the Second Symposium of Doctoral Students in Linguistics.. Budapest: ELTE. 165–192.
Surányi, Balázs. 1998. Ott 'there' in Hungarian and the theory of expletives.
Kiss, Zoltán, Ágnes Lukács, Balázs Surányi, and Péter Szigetvári (eds.). 1997. The Odd Yearbook 1997: ELTE SEAS Undergraduate Papers in Linguistics
Surányi, Balázs. 1997. Binding Theory and OT. ODD YEARBOOK: ESSAYS IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS BY UNDERGRADUATES 1997: 207–248.
Kiss, Zoltán, Balázs Surányi, and Péter Szigetvári (eds.). 1995. The Odd Yearbook 1995: ELTE SEAS Undergraduate Papers in Linguistics. Budapest: ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar.
Surányi, Balázs. 1995. The nominal phrase: Accounts of its structure.. In: Kiss Zoltán, Surányi Balázs, Szigetvári Péter (szerk.) The Odd Yearbook 1995: ELTE SEAS Undergraduate Papers in Linguistics. Budapest: ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar. 71–78.


I teach as a full professor in the English Studies BA program and the Doctoral School of Linguistics of Pázmány Péter Catholic University.