18th Conference for PhD Students of Applied Linguistics: Abstract requirements

If you want to give a presentation, please upload your abstract to EasyChair.

The type and language of the presentation

The planned presentation is to report on a completed study, in Hungarian or English.

The title of the presentation should
  • reflect the contents of the presentation,
  • be expressive and clear,
  • not contain more than 7 content words.
Stylistic and content requirements of the abstract:

Style sheet

Your abstract should consist of four parts: an Introduction (theoretical background, main questions, goals, research questions/hypotheses), Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The Conference Committee evaluates the abstract considering these parts and also the formal aspects (style, accuracy, adequacy to the genre of research abstracts), therefore please pay attention to these, too.

When writing the abstract, do not forget to
  • make sure its the length does not exceed one A4 page (appr. 2800 n + references)
  • anonymize it (do not include the author’s name),
  • contextualize your research in the Hungarian and/or international literature,
  • define the hypotheses and/or the main research question(s),
  • introduce briefly the methodology applied (e.g., participants, texts, methods of analysis, measuring equipments),
  • summarize the main findings of the study (referring back to the main research question(s) or hypotheses, and to previous literature),
  • make reference to the possible applications and usefulness of the results/findings,
  • avoid any abbreviations or footnotes.