Issues in the Study of Icelandic. The Húnaland Meeting
Date: 23-May-2025
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Contact Person: Hans-Martin Gaertner
Meeting Email: vprynaqvp@alghq.uha-era.uh
Linguistic Field(s): Various
Language Family(ies): Germanic
Call Deadline: 2-Feb-2025
Notification of Acceptance: 2-March-2025
Meeting Description
We invite abstracts from all subfields of linguistics (syntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonology, morphology, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, historical linguistics, etc) addressing the nature, origin, and use of Icelandic. In addition to presentations of current research, we welcome papers systematically surveying findings from the literature regarding particular topics – such as long-distance reflexivization, clause combining, discourse markers etc – focused on Icelandic.
HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest
Invited speakers
Nicole Dehé (University of Konstanz)
Thórhallur Eythórsson (University of Iceland)
Submission Details
Authors can submit an anonymous abstract of at most two pages (excluding references), with 1 inch margin and 11pt font (pdf format). The time for presentations of accepted submissions is 30 mins (20/25 mins + Q&A). Abstracts should be sent to and reach us by 2 February 2025. Author details (name, affiliation, e-mail address) should be stated in the body of the e-mail message.


Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics