László János LAKI

László János LAKI


former research fellow

Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics

László János LAKI

68 results
68 results
Yang, Zijian Gyozo, and László János Laki. 2017. (\pi\) Rate: a task-oriented monolingual quality estimation system
Yang, Zijian Gyozo, László János Laki, and Borbála Siklósi. 2016. HuQ: an English-Hungarian corpus for quality estimation
Yang, Zijian Győző, László János Laki, and Borbála Siklósi. 2016. HuQ: An English-Hungarian Corpus for Quality Estimation. In: Georg Rehm, Aljoscha Burchardt, Ondrej Bojar, Christian Dugast, Marcello Federico, Josef van Genabith, Barry Haddow (szerk.)et al. Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop "Translation Evaluation: From Fragmented Tools and Data Sets to an Integrated Ecosystem". Portoroz: European Language Resources Association (ELRA). 43–49.
Laki, László, Attila Novák, and Borbála Siklósi. 2013. English to Hungarian Morpheme-based Statistical Machine Translation System with Reordering Rules. In: Marta Ruiz Costa-jussà, Reinhard Rapp, Patrik Lambert, Kurt Eberle, Rafael E Banchs, Bogdan Babych Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation. Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). 42–50. Paper: 5.
László, János Laki. 2012. An Improved Methodology for POS-tagging Based on Advanced Statistical Models. PÁZMÁNY PÉTER CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY PHD PROCEEDINGS: 117–120.
László, János Laki. 2011. Investigating the possibilities using SMT for text annotation. PÁZMÁNY PÉTER CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY PHD PROCEEDINGS: 81–84.
László, Laki. 2010. Investigating the possibilities of processing parallel resources with language statistical methods. PÁZMÁNY PÉTER CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY PHD PROCEEDINGS: 69–72.