Kornélia JUHÁSZ

Kornélia JUHÁSZ

research fellow

Institute for General and Hungarian Linguistics





+36 (1) 3429372 / 6065





+36 (1) 3429372 / 6065

Kornélia JUHÁSZ

73 results
73 results
Huba, Bartos, and Juhász Kornélia. 2024. How lexical tones and intonation patterns of Mandarin are synchronized in the production of Hungarian learners of Chinese
Bartos, Huba, and Kornélia Juhász. 2023. An acoustic study of interrogative Mandarin Chinese intonation patterns in the production of atonal Chinese learners. In: 7th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language - Book of Abstracts. 44–45.
Juhász, Kornélia, and Huba Bartos. 2023. Could L1 intonation patterns be applied in teaching Mandarin Chinese tones to atonal learners of Chinese - An acoustic phonetic study. In: 7th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language - Book of Abstracts. 46–47.
Juhász, Kornélia, and Huba Bartos. 2023. Synchronization of tone and intonation in the production of Hungarian learners of Mandarin Chinese. In: EuroSLA 32 - Book of Abstracts. 96.
Deme, Andrea, and Kornélia Juhász. 2022. Transition or insertion? Acoustic analysis of the vocalic section of Mandarin xia in the production of Hungarian learners of Chinese. In: Book of Abstracts 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2022). 59–60.
Juhász, Kornélia, and Huba Bartos. 2022. The interplay of tone and intonation: f0 contours produced by Hungarian speakers of Mandarin. In: Book of Abstracts 4th International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2022). 65–66.
Juhász, Kornélia, and Huba Bartos. 2021. Mandarin Chinese sentence intonation patterns in the production of Hungarian learners of Chinese. In: 1st International Conference on Tone and Intonation. 100–101.
Miranda, Luma, Tekla Etelka Gráczi, Tamás Gábor Csapó, Andrea Deme, Kornélia Juhász, and Alexandra Markó. 2021. The Brazilian Portuguese lateral sounds produced by Hungarian learners of L2 Portuguese: An ultrasound tongue imaging study. In: 5th International Conference “Approaches to Phonology and Phonetics” (APAP): Book of Abstracts. 30–32.
Juhász Kornélia. 2019. Nyelvváltozatok értéke és hierarchiája Hongkongban – a hongkongi-kantoni, az angol és az „új” nyelvi szereplő, a mandarin. In: 15. Félúton konferencia (ELTE BTK Magyar Nyelvészet Doktori Program) - absztraktkötet. 16–16.